Name | The Rehabilitation Center At The Palazzo |
Certified By | Nursing Home Certified ByMedicare and Medicaid |
Phone Number |
Tel information of The Rehabilitation Center At The Palazzo: (602) 433-6300 |
Area | Phoenix, Arizona (AZ) |
Location | Address & map of The Rehabilitation Center At The Palazzo:6246 North 19th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona (View in Google Maps) |
True User's Reviews |
What do you think about The Rehabilitation Center At The Palazzo. Let's take a look at the comments from users:- "And what the rooms constantly smell like urine."
- "I toured when the food was being served and it smelled delicious."
- "I have a great place to work and have great benefits for my family."
No. of Certified Beds | No. of Certified Beds60 |
Occupancy Rate | 74.5% |
Medicare ID (CCN) | 035116 |
Legal Business Name | 19th Avenue Operations Llc |
Ownership Type | For Profit - Limited Liability Company |
Business Hours | Detailed list of Home Health Care operating hours:
Opening hours | Time period | Monday | Open 24 hours | Tuesday | Open 24 hours | Wednesday | Open 24 hours | Thursday | Open 24 hours | Friday | Open 24 hours | Saturday | Open 24 hours | Sunday | Open 24 hours |
ZIP Code | 85015 |
Phone Prefix | 602 |
Visitor Rating | Rating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:3.3(Full score is 5) (The rating is based on the votes of80netizens) |
Related tags | Relevant tags about The Rehabilitation Center At The Palazzo- #La Siena
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NPI Associated with the Nursing Home | NPI Number | 1124064605 | Organization Name | AZORE II, LLC | Doing Business As | CHRIS RIDGE PREMIER CARE & REHABILITATION CENTER | Address | 6246 N 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015 | Phone Number | 602-433-6300 |
NPI Number | 1356656193 | Organization Name | EMERICARE INC | Doing Business As | BROOKDALE CHRISTOWN | Address | 6246 N 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015 | Phone Number | 602-433-6300 |
NPI Number | 1649268657 | Organization Name | CHRIS RIDGE VILLAGE HEALTH CARE CENTER | Address | 6246 N 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015 | Phone Number | 602-433-6300 |
NPI Number | 1942355219 | Organization Name | LB PHOENIX BETHANY HOME ROAD LLC | Doing Business As | CHRIS RIDGE VILLAGE | Address | 6246 N 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015 | Phone Number | 602-433-6416 |
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Detail | The Rehabilitation Center At The Palazzo is a medicare of 6246 North 19th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona in USA. It is located at Medicare and Medicaid, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for The Rehabilitation Center At The Palazzo is 035116. and The ownership type is Proprietary. The Rehabilitation Center At The Palazzo got a rating score of 3.3. Assisted living facility in Phoenix, Arizona. |
Address detail | 6246 North 19th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona |
You may like | The Rehabilitation Center Of Bakersfield's Medicare ID is 555256, it belong to Bakersfield Healthcare & Wellness Centre Llc, which located at Medicare and Medicaid. You can get more information by the Phone Number:(661) 872-2121. Visitor Comment:"Great staff , nurses and cnas give an extra mile to give to patients and family." |