Name | Avenue At Aurora |
Certified By | Nursing Home Certified ByMedicare and Medicaid |
Phone Number |
Tel information of Avenue At Aurora: (330) 995-0094 |
Area | Aurora, Ohio (OH) |
Location | Locality of Avenue At Aurora:425 South Chillicothe Road, Aurora, Ohio (View in Google Maps) |
True User's Reviews |
What do you think about Avenue At Aurora. Let's take a look at the comments from users:- "She also had bed sores from being left in the bed and wheelchair for too long."
- "My family had to give me bed baths and feed me."
- "Big wide hallways, nice rooms and compassionate staff."
No. of Certified Beds | No. of Certified Beds98 |
Occupancy Rate | 65.71% |
Photos | Images provided by users, for reference only:(Click on the image for a larger view) |
Medicare ID (CCN) | 366431 |
Legal Business Name | Progressive Aurora Llc |
Ownership Type | For Profit - Individual |
Business Hours | Home Health Care work schedule:
Business Opening | Time period | Monday | Open 24 hours | Tuesday | Open 24 hours | Wednesday | Open 24 hours | Thursday | Open 24 hours | Friday | Open 24 hours | Saturday | Open 24 hours | Sunday | Open 24 hours |
ZIP Code | 44202 |
Phone Prefix | 330 |
Visitor Rating | Rating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:3.4(Full score is 5) (The rating is based on the votes of55netizens) |
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NPI Associated with the Nursing Home | NPI Number | 1205234622 | Organization Name | PROGRESSIVE AURORA LLC | Doing Business As | AVENUE AT AURORA | Address | 425 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202 | Phone Number | 216-661-6800 |
Related Nursing Homes | |
Detail | Avenue At Aurora is a medicare of 425 South Chillicothe Road, Aurora, Ohio in USA. It is located at Medicare and Medicaid, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for Avenue At Aurora is 366431. and The ownership type is Proprietary. Avenue At Aurora got a rating score of 3.4. Nursing home in Aurora, Ohio. |
Address detail | 425 South Chillicothe Road, Aurora, OhioState | Ohio | City | Aurora | Street Name | South Chillicothe Road | Code | 425 |
You may like | Avenue At Broadview Heights's Medicare ID is 366471, it belong to Progressive Broadview Heights Llc, which located at Medicare and Medicaid. You can get more information by the Phone Number:(440) 457-2900. Visitor Comment:"Amazing facility, my grandmother had an amazing experience." |