Hospital Name | Sun Behavioral Houston |
Type | Type of hospitalPsychiatric Hospital |
Phone Number |
Contact number of Sun Behavioral Houston: (713) 795-5025 |
Area | Houston, Texas (TX) |
Location | Position of Sun Behavioral Houston:7601 Fannin Street, Houston, Texas (View in Google Maps) |
True User's Reviews |
Netizens’personal feelings on Sun Behavioral Houston- "Their answering service was so bad and the lady sounded so rude.I had to hang up"
- "Don't work for this company its terrible, no team work and no communication!!!!"
- "Professional environment with people who make patient care their priority."
Ownership | Proprietary |
Emergency Services | Accident and emergency department (A&E):Yes |
Photos | Images provided by users, for reference only: (Click on the image for a larger view) |
Medicare ID | 454139 |
Business Hours | Hospital Service Schedule:
Week | Time period | Monday | Open 24 hours | Tuesday | Open 24 hours | Wednesday | Open 24 hours | Thursday | Open 24 hours | Friday | Open 24 hours | Saturday | Open 24 hours | Sunday | Open 24 hours |
ZIP Code | 77054 |
Phone Prefix | 713 |
Visitor Rating | Rating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:2.8(Full score is 5)
    (236 respondents participated in the evaluation) |
Other Questions | Netizen consultation summary:
Q:What days are Sun Behavioral Houston open? A:Mon-Sun Open 24 hours
Q:How is Sun Behavioral Houston rated? A:Sun Behavioral Houston has 1.5 stars from 22 reviews. |
Related tags | Hot topics of interest to netizens:- #The Menninger Clinic
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NPI Associated with the Hospital | NPI Number | 1003282039 | Organization Name | SUN HOUSTON, LLC | Doing Business As | SUN BEHAVIORAL HOUSTON | Address | 7601 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054 | Hospital Type | Psychiatric Hospital | Phone Number | 713-796-2273 |
NPI Number | 1295097624 | Organization Name | CAMBRIDGE HOSPITAL LLC | Address | 7601 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054 | Hospital Type | Psychiatric Hospital | Phone Number | 713-790-1155 |
NPI Number | 1477150688 | Organization Name | SUN HOUSTON, LLC | Doing Business As | SUN BEHAVIORAL HOUSTON | Address | 7505 Fannin St Ste 430, Houston, TX 77054 | Hospital Type | Psychiatric Hospital | Phone Number | 713-796-2273 |
NPI Number | 1538157326 | Organization Name | INTRACARE HOSPITAL | Doing Business As | INTRACARE MEDICAL CENTER HOSPITAL | Address | 7601 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054 | Hospital Type | Psychiatric Hospital | Phone Number | 713-790-0949 |
Related hospitals | |
Detail | Sun Behavioral Houston is a medicare of Psychiatric Hospital in USA. It is located at 7601 Fannin Street, Houston, Texas, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for Sun Behavioral Houston is 454139. It provides Emergency Services, and The ownership type is Proprietary. Sun Behavioral Houston got a rating score of 0. Mental health clinic in Houston, Texas. The NPI Associated with Sun Behavioral Houston is 1003282039, The Organization Name is SUN HOUSTON, LLC. You can get more information by the Phone Number: 713-796-2273, or go there with the address: 7601 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054. |
Address detail | 7601 Fannin Street, Houston, TexasProvince | Texas | City | Houston | Street Name | Fannin Street | Code | 7601 |
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