US Hospitals

Riverview Behavioral Health Profile

Hospital NameRiverview Behavioral Health
TypeType of hospitalPsychiatric Hospital
Phone Number
Contact detail of Riverview Behavioral Health: (870) 772-5028
AreaTexarkana, Arkansas (AR)
Location Locality of Riverview Behavioral Health:701 Arkansas Boulevard Suite 300, Texarkana, Arkansas
(View in Google Maps)
True User's Reviews
What is the reputation of Riverview Behavioral Health. Let's see what the visitors say!:
  • "Do not send your family,friends,kids, anyone here truly an awful place."
  • "Staff not enforcement of rules of certain people."
  • "The cafeteria serves awful food and there's black mold in the cafeteria vents."
Emergency ServicesEmergency department (ED):No
PhotosSurrounding environment view of:Riverview Behavioral Health(Click on the image for a larger view)
Medicare ID044020
Business HoursHospital work schedule:
Business OpeningTime period
MondayOpen 24 hours
TuesdayOpen 24 hours
WednesdayOpen 24 hours
ThursdayOpen 24 hours
FridayOpen 24 hours
SaturdayOpen 24 hours
SundayOpen 24 hours
ZIP Code71854
Phone Prefix870
Visitor RatingRating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:2.1(Full score is 5)
(77 respondents participated in the evaluation)
Other QuestionsNetizen consultation summary:

Q:Who is the CEO of Riverview Behavioral Health?
A:The CEO of Riverview Behavioral Health is Colleen Vicari. Ratings from 18 employees, gives Colleen Vicari an approval rating of 39%.

Q:Where are Riverview Behavioral Health headquarters?
A:The headquarters for Riverview Behavioral Health are in 701 Arkansas Blvd., Texarkana, AR 71854 .
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NPI Associated with the Hospital
NPI Number1417199225
Address701 Arkansas Blvd, Texarkana, AR 71854
Hospital TypePsychiatric Hospital
Phone Number870-772-5028
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DetailRiverview Behavioral Health is a medicare of Psychiatric Hospital in USA. It is located at 701 Arkansas Boulevard Suite 300, Texarkana, Arkansas, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for Riverview Behavioral Health is 044020. and The ownership type is Proprietary. Riverview Behavioral Health got a rating score of 0. Psychiatric hospital in Texarkana, Arkansas. The NPI Associated with Riverview Behavioral Health is 1417199225, The Organization Name is RIVERVIEW BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, LLC. You can get more information by the Phone Number: 870-772-5028, or go there with the address: 701 Arkansas Blvd, Texarkana, AR 71854.
Address detail701 Arkansas Boulevard Suite 300, Texarkana, Arkansas
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SubjectRiverview Behavioral Health
Last updated2024-02-20 21:43:43
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