US Hospitals

Mid Valley Hospital Profile

Hospital NameMid Valley Hospital
TypeHospital typeCritical Access Hospital
Phone Number
Tel information of Mid Valley Hospital: (509) 826-1760
AreaOmak, Washington (WA)
Location Address & map of Mid Valley Hospital:810 Jasmine Street, Omak, Washington
(View in Google Maps)
True User's Reviews
Netizens’personal feelings on Mid Valley Hospital
  • "In fact she laughed and mocked my partner when she pushed for clarity."
  • "Nurses were snotty and don’t care... all they care about is money."
  • "I found the doctors and staff to be thorough, professional, kind and attentive."
OwnershipGovernment - Hospital District or Authority
Emergency ServicesAccident and emergency department (A&E):Yes
PhotosImages provided by users, for reference only:(Click on the image for a larger view)
Medicare ID501328
Electronical labElectronical lab results:Not Available
Track labTrack lab results, tests, and referrals:Not Available
Business HoursHospital work schedule:
WeekTime period
MondayOpen 24 hours
TuesdayOpen 24 hours
WednesdayOpen 24 hours
ThursdayOpen 24 hours
FridayOpen 24 hours
SaturdayOpen 24 hours
SundayOpen 24 hours
ZIP Code98841
Phone Prefix509
Visitor RatingRating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:2.7(Maximum score is 5)
(The total number of users who participated in rating is44)
Q&AWhat are the most important issues for users?Question:I received a voicemail to call the clinic on Thursday the 26th of September from mid valley clinic. I work out of the reception range and am now concerned about my Dad... How can I get information about him.?
Answers:Thank you Diana Kenealy and I will try again. I got no answering service at the clinic... Going to try the hospital too
Other QuestionsNetizen consultation summary:

Q:How is Mid-Valley Hospital rated?
A:Mid-Valley Hospital has 1.5 stars from 2 reviews.

Q:What days are Mid-Valley Hospital open?
A:Mon-Sun Open 24 hours
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NPI Associated with the Hospital
NPI Number1255387403
Address810 Jasmine St, Omak, WA 98841
Hospital TypeGeneral Acute Care Hospital - Critical Access
Phone Number509-826-1760
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DetailMid Valley Hospital is a medicare of Critical Access Hospital in USA. It is located at 810 Jasmine Street, Omak, Washington, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for Mid Valley Hospital is 501328. It provides Emergency Services, and The ownership type is Proprietary. Mid Valley Hospital got a rating score of 3. Hospital in Omak, Washington. Mid-Valley Hospital is a 44-bed community hospital in Omak, Washington. The District, alongside Mid-Valley Clinic, provides acute care and clinical services to patients in Omak and surrounding areas.. The NPI Associated with Mid Valley Hospital is 1255387403, The Organization Name is OKANOGAN COUNTY PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 3. You can get more information by the Phone Number: 509-826-1760, or go there with the address: 810 Jasmine St, Omak, WA 98841.
Address detail810 Jasmine Street, Omak, Washington
Province Washington
City & Town Omak
StreetJasmine Street
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