Hospital Name | Maniilaq Health Center |
Type | Hospital typeCritical Access Hospital |
Phone Number |
Tel information of Maniilaq Health Center: (907) 442-3321 |
Area | Kotzebue, Alaska (AK) |
Location | Address & map of Maniilaq Health Center:Po Box 43, Kotzebue, Alaska (View in Google Maps) |
True User's Reviews |
What do you think about Maniilaq Health Center. Let's take a look at the comments from users:- "Thank you for going the extra mile"
- "Very friendly nurses"
- "It have great service here, kind, repectfull group of people."
Ownership | Tribal |
Emergency Services | Accident and emergency department (A&E):Yes |
Photos | Images provided by users, for reference only:(Click on the image for a larger view) |
Medicare ID | 021310 |
Electronical lab | Electronical lab results:Not Available |
Track lab | Track lab results, tests, and referrals:Not Available |
Business Hours | Detailed list of hospital operating hours:
Business Opening | Time period | Monday | Open 24 hours | Tuesday | Open 24 hours | Wednesday | Open 24 hours | Thursday | Open 24 hours | Friday | Open 24 hours | Saturday | Open 24 hours | Sunday | Open 24 hours |
ZIP Code | 99752 |
Phone Prefix | 907 |
Visitor Rating | Rating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:4.6(Full score is 5) (The total number of users who participated in rating is27) |
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NPI Associated with the Hospital | NPI Number | 1023228657 | Organization Name | MANIILAQ ASSOCIATION | Doing Business As | MANIILAQ HEALTH CENTER | Address | 436 5th & Ted Stevens Way, Kotzebue, AK 99752 | Hospital Type | General Acute Care Hospital - Rural | Phone Number | 907-442-3321 |
NPI Number | 1275743742 | Organization Name | MANIILAQ ASSOCIATION | Address | 436 5th & Ted Stevens Way, Kotzebue, AK 99752 | Hospital Type | General Acute Care Hospital - Rural | Phone Number | 907-442-3321 |
NPI Number | 1316995210 | Organization Name | MANIILAQ ASSOCIATION | Doing Business As | MANIILAQ HEALTH CENTER | Address | 436 5th & Ted Stevens Way, Kotzebue, AK 99752 | Hospital Type | General Acute Care Hospital - Critical Access | Phone Number | 907-442-3321 |
NPI Number | 1861698805 | Organization Name | MANIILAQ ASSOCIATION | Doing Business As | MANIILAQ HEALTH CENTER | Address | 436 5th & Ted Stevens Way, Kotzebue, AK 99752 | Hospital Type | General Acute Care Hospital - Rural | Phone Number | 907-442-3321 |
NPI Number | 1922218478 | Organization Name | MANIILAQ ASSOCIATION | Doing Business As | MANIILAQ HEALTH CENTER | Address | 436 5th & Ted Stevens Way, Kotzebue, AK 99752 | Hospital Type | General Acute Care Hospital - Rural | Phone Number | 907-442-3321 |
NPI Number | 1992909881 | Organization Name | MANIILAQ ASSOCIATION | Doing Business As | MANIILAQ HEALTH CENTER | Address | 436 5th & Ted Stevens Way, Kotzebue, AK 99752 | Hospital Type | General Acute Care Hospital - Rural | Phone Number | 907-442-3321 |
Related hospitals | |
Detail | Maniilaq Health Center is a medicare of Critical Access Hospital in USA. It is located at Po Box 43, Kotzebue, Alaska, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for Maniilaq Health Center is 021310. It provides Emergency Services, and The ownership type is Proprietary. Maniilaq Health Center got a rating score of 0. Hospital in Kotzebue, Alaska. The NPI Associated with Maniilaq Health Center is 1023228657, The Organization Name is MANIILAQ ASSOCIATION. You can get more information by the Phone Number: 907-442-3321, or go there with the address: 436 5th & Ted Stevens Way, Kotzebue, AK 99752. |
Address detail | Po Box 43, Kotzebue, Alaska |
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