US Hospitals

Beverly Hospital Profile

Hospital NameBeverly Hospital
TypeHospital typeAcute Care Hospital
Phone Number
Tel information of Beverly Hospital: (323) 726-1222
AreaMontebello, California (CA)
Location Position of Beverly Hospital:309 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, California
(View in Google Maps)
True User's Reviews
What is the reputation of Beverly Hospital. Let's see what the visitors say!:
  • "I especially enjoyed being cared for by my night time nurse."
  • "Honestly is people dont like their jobs they should find another line of work."
  • "Nurses and doctors are friendly ... very good service!!"
OwnershipVoluntary non-profit - Private
Emergency ServicesEmergency room (ER):Yes
PhotosImages provided by users, for reference only:(Click on the image for a larger view)
Medicare ID050350
Electronical labElectronical lab results:Yes
Track labTrack lab results, tests, and referrals:Yes
Business HoursHospital work schedule:
Opening hoursTime period
MondayOpen 24 hours
TuesdayOpen 24 hours
WednesdayOpen 24 hours
ThursdayOpen 24 hours
FridayOpen 24 hours
SaturdayOpen 24 hours
SundayOpen 24 hours
ZIP Code90640
Phone Prefix323
Visitor RatingRating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:3.7(Total score:5)
(429 respondents participated in the evaluation)
Other QuestionsNetizen consultation summary:

Q:What days are Beverly Hospital open?
A:Mon-Sun Open 24 hours

Q:How is Beverly Hospital rated?
A:Beverly Hospital has 2.0 stars from 299 reviews.
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NPI Associated with the Hospital
NPI Number1184628919
Address309 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640
Hospital TypeGeneral Acute Care Hospital
Phone Number323-726-1222
NPI Number1902051758
Address309 West Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640
Hospital TypeGeneral Acute Care Hospital
Phone Number323-725-4334
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DetailBeverly Hospital is a medicare of Acute Care Hospital in USA. It is located at 309 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, California, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for Beverly Hospital is 050350. It provides Emergency Services, and The ownership type is Proprietary. Beverly Hospital got a rating score of 1. The patients are able to receive lab results electronically, and track patients' lab results, tests, and referrals electronically between visits.

Hospital in Montebello, California. The NPI Associated with Beverly Hospital is 1184628919, The Organization Name is BEVERLY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. You can get more information by the Phone Number: 323-726-1222, or go there with the address: 309 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640.
Address detail309 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, California
State California
City Montebello
StreetW Beverly Blvd
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