US Hospitals

Berger Hospital Profile

Hospital NameBerger Hospital
TypeType of hospitalAcute Care Hospital
Phone Number
Tel information of Berger Hospital: (740) 420-8020
AreaCircleville, Ohio (OH)
Location Address & map of Berger Hospital:600 North Pickaway Street, Circleville, Ohio
(View in Google Maps)
True User's Reviews
What do you think about Berger Hospital. Let's take a look at the comments from users:
  • "I was given pain meds quickly and treated so well."
  • "Even the people cleaning the room everyday was nice and supportive."
  • "Staff was quick, care was great and floor staff was amazing after his admission."
OwnershipGovernment - Local
Emergency ServicesEmergency department (ED):Yes
PhotosImages provided by users, for reference only:(Click on the image for a larger view)
Medicare ID360170
Electronical labElectronical lab results:Yes
Track labTrack lab results, tests, and referrals:Yes
Business HoursDetailed list of hospital operating hours:
Business hours not available yet!
ZIP Code43113
Phone Prefix740
Visitor RatingRating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:2.7(Full score is 5)
(The rating is based on the votes of114netizens)
Related tagsHot topics of interest to netizens:
  • #Berger Health System
  • #OhioHealth Berger Hospital...
  • #Maternity Center
  • #OhioHealth Berger Health C...
  • #OhioHealth Berger Hospital...
NPI Associated with the Hospital
NPI Number1326020447
Address600 N Pickaway St, Circleville, OH 43113
Hospital TypeGeneral Acute Care Hospital
Phone Number740-420-8020
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DetailBerger Hospital is a medicare of Acute Care Hospital in USA. It is located at 600 North Pickaway Street, Circleville, Ohio, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for Berger Hospital is 360170. It provides Emergency Services, and The ownership type is Proprietary. Berger Hospital got a rating score of 2. The patients are able to receive lab results electronically, and track patients' lab results, tests, and referrals electronically between visits.

Hospital in Circleville, Ohio. The NPI Associated with Berger Hospital is 1326020447, The Organization Name is OHIOHEALTH BERGER HOSPITAL LLC. You can get more information by the Phone Number: 740-420-8020, or go there with the address: 600 N Pickaway St, Circleville, OH 43113.
Address detail600 North Pickaway Street, Circleville, Ohio
State Ohio
City Circleville
Street NameNorth Pickaway Street
Street Code600
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