US Hospitals

Baptist Memorial Hospital Profile

Hospital NameBaptist Memorial Hospital
TypeType of hospitalAcute Care Hospital
Phone Number
Contact detail of Baptist Memorial Hospital: (901) 226-5000
AreaMemphis, Tennessee (TN)
Location Locality of Baptist Memorial Hospital:6019 Walnut Grove Road, Memphis, Tennessee
(View in Google Maps)
True User's Reviews
Netizens’personal feelings on Baptist Memorial Hospital
  • "Calm hospital with amazing employees and tons of parking spaces!"
  • "Uncaring and unprofessional staff."
  • "Awesome place great nurses , assistants , doctors and great customer service."
OwnershipVoluntary non-profit - Private
Emergency ServicesEmergency room (ER):Yes
PhotosProvided by netizensBaptist Memorial HospitalThe actual picture for your reference:(Click on the image for a larger view)
Medicare ID440048
Electronical labElectronical lab results:Yes
Track labTrack lab results, tests, and referrals:Yes
Business HoursHospital work schedule:
Business hours not available yet!
ZIP Code38120
Phone Prefix901
Visitor RatingRating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:4.1(Maximum score is 5)
(431 respondents participated in the evaluation)
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NPI Associated with the Hospital
NPI Number1275023095
Address6225 Humphreys Blvd, Memphis, TN 38120
Hospital TypeGeneral Acute Care Hospital - Children
Phone Number901-227-7337
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DetailBaptist Memorial Hospital is a medicare of Acute Care Hospital in USA. It is located at 6019 Walnut Grove Road, Memphis, Tennessee, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for Baptist Memorial Hospital is 440048. It provides Emergency Services, and The ownership type is Proprietary. Baptist Memorial Hospital got a rating score of 2. The patients are able to receive lab results electronically, and track patients' lab results, tests, and referrals electronically between visits.

Hospital in Kendall, Florida. Baptist Hospital of Miami is a non-profit hospital located in Miami, Florida, United States, operated by Baptist Health South Florida. Founded in 1960, the 650-bed facility is now one of the largest hospitals in the Miami area.. The NPI Associated with Baptist Memorial Hospital is 1275023095, The Organization Name is BAPTIST MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. You can get more information by the Phone Number: 901-227-7337, or go there with the address: 6225 Humphreys Blvd, Memphis, TN 38120.
Address detail6019 Walnut Grove Road, Memphis, Tennessee
State Tennessee
City Memphis
Street NameWalnut Grove Road
Street Code6019
You may likeBaptist Memorial Hospital North Ms is a Acute Care Hospital, which located at 1100 Belk Blvd, Oxford, Mississippi. You can get more information by the Phone Number:1053375576. Visitor Comment:"A lot of people come here because of the quality of doctors in staff here."

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