US Hospitals

Alfred I Dupont Hospital For Children Profile

Hospital NameAlfred I Dupont Hospital For Children
TypeHospital typeChildrens Hospital
Phone Number
Contact detail of Alfred I Dupont Hospital For Children: (302) 651-4000
AreaWilmington, Delaware (DE)
Location Address & map of Alfred I Dupont Hospital For Children:1600 Rockland Rd Po Box 269, Wilmington, Delaware
(View in Google Maps)
True User's Reviews
What is the reputation of Alfred I Dupont Hospital For Children. Let's see what the visitors say!:
  • "The food in the cafeteria is better than any hospital food I've had."
  • "Horrible service waited over an hour and didn’t even treat child symptoms"
  • "The surgeon, nurses, and other staff that attended my son were excellent!"
OwnershipVoluntary non-profit - Private
Emergency ServicesAccident and emergency department (A&E):Yes
PhotosProvided by netizensAlfred I Dupont Hospital For ChildrenThe actual picture for your reference:(Click on the image for a larger view)
Medicare ID083300
Electronical labElectronical lab results:Not Available
Track labTrack lab results, tests, and referrals:Not Available
Business HoursHospital work schedule:
Opening hoursTime period
MondayOpen 24 hours
TuesdayOpen 24 hours
WednesdayOpen 24 hours
ThursdayOpen 24 hours
FridayOpen 24 hours
SaturdayOpen 24 hours
SundayOpen 24 hours
ZIP Code19899
Phone Prefix302
Visitor RatingRating criteria based on user satisfactionComposite score:4.1(Total score:5)
(436 respondents participated in the evaluation)
Q&AWhat are the most important issues for users?Question:Does AI DuPont have a good reputation for the cardiology department for infant heart surgery?
Answers:Absolutely! They are considered to be one of the world's best
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NPI Associated with the Hospital
NPI Number1467505073
Address1600 Rockland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803
Hospital TypeChronic Disease Hospital - Children
Phone Number302-651-4000
NPI Number1730717281
Address1600 Rockland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803
Hospital TypeSpecial Hospital
Phone Number302-651-4000
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DetailAlfred I Dupont Hospital For Children is a medicare of Childrens Hospital in USA. It is located at 1600 Rockland Rd Po Box 269, Wilmington, Delaware, The CCN - CMS Certification Number (called Medicare ID for short) for Alfred I Dupont Hospital For Children is 083300. It provides Emergency Services, and The ownership type is Proprietary. Alfred I Dupont Hospital For Children got a rating score of 0. Hospital in New Castle County, Delaware. Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware is a pediatric hospital located in Wilmington, Delaware. It is controlled by the Nemours Foundation, a non-profit organization created by philanthropist Alfred I. du Pont in 1936 and dedicated to improving the health of children.. The NPI Associated with Alfred I Dupont Hospital For Children is 1467505073, The Organization Name is THE NEMOURS FOUNDATION. You can get more information by the Phone Number: 302-651-4000, or go there with the address: 1600 Rockland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803.
Address detail1600 Rockland Rd Po Box 269, Wilmington, Delaware
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